Staff and
Student Safety

Creating safer campuses using technology for staff and students.

To create a productive learning environment, schools must prioritize student safety. However, threats to campuses are increasing and while many solutions are on the market, it can be hard to understand which is right for your school’s particular challenges.

We’ll pair you with the right security solution. 


You deserve options. That’s why we work with a variety of vendors to ensure you find the right camera for your needs. We’ll help you identify which is best for you.

Our IoT camera devices offer:

  • Simple Setup
  • Built-in Storage
  • Automatic Updates
  • Scalability
  • 24/7 Visibility & Monitoring

Access Control

To keep your school safe, you need to be able to trust that you have a dependable perimeter—you need to know that the bad guys can’t get through. But you also need to allow qualified individuals to pass. Parents, contractors, substitutes and many other individuals need to be granted access to the school. Sometimes it’s after hours.

Our Access Control systems are designed to help you achieve safety while still allowing access to the right people.

    Temporary Access

    Easy Access Removal


    Remote Monitoring

    Real-Time Notifications

    If an incident occurs on campus, law enforcement, emergency services, and staff need to be notified immediately. NIC Partners can design a notification system that is reliable, secure and automated. You should never be unsure how to notify stakeholders during an emergency.

    We can give you that security.

      Protect Your 
      School with Experts

      Ensuring the safety of your students and staff is critical. NIC Partners has the expertise you need to design and implement the right solutions. Fill out the form below to get in touch with an expert today.